We also believe we have a duty to fairly represent the positives and the negatives of the industry we represent – however, we do strongly believe that plastics have been handed unfair media coverage in recent years. 

It is, therefore, part of our role as an industry body to counter this harmful messaging, and to focus on the positive aspects plastic packaging and plastic products can play, while remaining unbiased in the face of new legislation and changes to how the industry operates.

Overall, we believe we have a positive role to play in the modernisation, education and digitisation of the plastics manufacturing industry and use our significant voice in the sector to promote and rally behind new technologies, material applications and processing machinery, leading us to a greener future.

While ‘plastic’ has become a dirty word to many, we understand the value that plastic brings – in the right application. Society is correct to move away from single-use plastic items, but the entire industry and material should not be vilified on the back of this progress.

We know that plastic has a vital role to play in a sustainable future, however, we need to monitor the intelligent use and applications of the material and move towards circular systems, as well as accepting responsibility for post-life products currently in waste, recycling or EFW (energy-from waste) streams. 

Plastic products save energy, carbon, water, fuel, food and lives. In the automotive industry, plastics and plastic composites are widely used to replace metallic components to reduce weight, and therefore reduce the fuel consumption for a vehicle over its entire lifecycle. In the food industry, plastic packaging prevents food waste by extending the shelf life of perishable products. Plastic products play a key role in the medical industry, with millions of moulded or 3D-printed devices saving lives and enhancing treatment for patients across the globe.

If you’re interested in learning more about the positive impact of plastics, we invite you to read more on the British Plastic Federation’s Positive Contribution of Plastic pages, to read the latest news releases in our ‘Recycling & Sustainability’ pages, or reach out to us with any specific comments or questions.