Uddeholm UK is Leading the Way in Environmental Preservation

Uddeholm UK is Leading the Way in Environmental Preservation

Uddeholm UK recently made a commitment to protect the environment, and they have followed through on that promise. On the 25th of March, the team planted 449 trees in Malmesbury’s Cotswolds area as part of the Ecologi programme.

Organised by Protect Earth, this was an important step towards a greener future for the region. Eight team members of the Uddeholm UK team used their own free time on a Saturday to help support this cause.

We are proud of the team for their efforts,” said Divisional Director Roger Schweizer. “This is an important step towards protecting our environment, and we will continue to look for ways to give back.”

The Cotswolds are known for their picturesque landscapes, so this effort will help ensure that these areas remain beautiful for years. This is just one way Uddeholm UK is showing its commitment to preserving nature and creating a more sustainable future.

This is one of many efforts the division has taken; other efforts have included litter picking in the local area and giving a percentage of sales to “The Ocean Clean Up” project from specific plastic tool steel grades sold, and this is just the start!

Together, amazing impacts can be achieved in protecting the environment around us for future generations.

More news from Uddeholm can be found here

Uddeholm UK
+44 (0) 121 552 5511

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