Website Design for the Plastics Industry

PlastikMedia provide a total website design, build and management service for plastics industry SMEs throughout the UK.

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Our Experience

With over 50 years of collective experience in the UK plastic manufacturing industry, our team truly understands your unique needs and challenges. Unlike many other web design companies, we aim to minimise the demands on your team, allowing you to focus on what you do best. Our specialised services are exclusively tailored for the UK plastic manufacturing sector, ensuring that we speak your language and deliver solutions that precisely meet your requirements.

Our Expertise

Our team of website designers possesses extensive experience in creating modern, custom-built websites that not only make an aesthetically pleasing impact but also feature a clean and fast navigation system. Our comprehensive web design services include:

  • Bespoke website design and builds tailored to your specific needs
  • Responsive, mobile-ready designs ensuring seamless access across all devices
  • Content Management Services (CMS) allowing you to easily self-edit and manage your content
  • Social media integration to enhance your online presence and connectivity

Each element of our service is crafted to provide you with a robust and visually stunning online platform.

With SEO in Mind

We will ensure that your website is built from the outset to achieve optimal search engine optimisation (SEO). Leveraging our extensive experience in the plastic industry, we have a deep understanding of the search terms and keywords your target audience is likely to use when seeking your services. This insight allows us to craft a website that not only looks great but also performs exceptionally well in search engine rankings, driving more relevant traffic to your site.

And Ongoing Optimisation

We will diligently monitor Google and Bing Analytics to ensure the effective ongoing optimisation of your website with your target key phrases. By continuously analysing these metrics, we can make informed adjustments to enhance your SEO strategy, ensuring your website consistently progresses up the search rankings. Our proactive approach guarantees that your site remains competitive and visible to your target audience, driving sustained traffic and growth.

Staying Up To Date

Whilst we integrate content management systems to minimise your maintenance costs, we also offer an ongoing service to ensure your website remains optimised for search engine updates and any major revisions you may require. Our continuous support guarantees that your site stays up-to-date with the latest SEO practices and technological advancements, providing you with a dynamic and resilient online presence.

Paid + Organic

We also have extensive experience in creating successful Pay per Click (PPC) campaigns, ensuring that your business appears on Google Page 1 until the organic SEO takes effect. Our targeted PPC strategies are designed to generate immediate visibility and traffic, bridging the gap while your long-term SEO efforts are underway. This dual approach guarantees that your online presence is strong and effective from the outset, driving potential customers to your website right away.










PlastikMedia - Moulding Partnerships

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